College Manor for over 60 years in Maryland

COVID-19 Update

Precautions from the Health Department

In light of the Governor’s and Health Department recommendations, only essential visits are requested at this time.  Your visits are considered essential unless you have any respiratory infection, fever in the last 24 hours, or you have high risk of exposure from an infective person.  In addition, we are restricting visitors to the building to significant others, family, regular contractors, therapists and physicians.

Safety Notes: We ask that you wash your hands as you enter and submit to a temperature screening at the front desk.  And know we are screening all staff travel and agency contacts for the risk factors.

Update for Tonight’s Event: COVID-19 precautions will not affect tonight’s event.  Our art teacher, Laura Numsen, is a contractor which allows her to continue visits during this time.  Any family members or guests showing symptoms (fever and/or cough) are asked to not attend this evenings event.  Thank you for helping with these preventative measures.

Your health and safety are paramount to us.